At last... A challenge to all back ache sufferers in Singapore who think that it is impossible to cure back ache! Here is an advanced physical therapy treatment that the physiotherapists in The Pain Relief Practice are helping many devastated back ache sufferers reduced their pain and avoid a back surgery.

Thanks to this new physical therapy technology called 'Non Surgical Spinal Decompression Therapy', which is another alternative to medications, surgery, physiotherapy, chiropractor, acupuncturists, and osteopathy if all failed.

Back ache sometimes disappears away in the short run and come back to you again. Research shows that back ache doesn't magically disappear if you ignore it and fifty percent of these pains will haunt you again. Once you've had an attack of low back pain, there's a good chance the problem will return - usually worse than ever - unless you do something about it.

Physiotherapy is a common choice among doctors when it comes to back pain referrals, it is usually ordered to reduce pain and strengthen the muscles surrounding the spine and the supportive core muscles.

Now, all serious, long-term back problems (Eg sciatic, herniated, bulging or degenerated discs, spinal steno sis, pinched nerve and chronic low-back pain) which has not been successfully relieve in pain by physiotherapy, can now be treated safely and effectively with this modern, proven technology - 'Spinal Decompression Therapy.' And not only would you get rapid symptomatic relief, you'd stay better over a longer term. Your low back condition would actually be corrected, not just papered over.

'Spinal Decompression Therapy' performed by specialized physiotherapists can erase pain, and actually reverse the damage that accumulates in your discs over the years. The most recent clinical study has shown that this type of non-surgical spinal decompression therapy provided nearly immediate resolution of symptoms for Eighty six percent of the back pain sufferers.

Don't wait and hope that your back ache will get better over time with simple physiotherapy exercises or a hot pack. Experiencing back pain can be the sign of a serious problem, or it can be something that our highly skilled specialized physiotherapists in Singapore can easily fix.

For people in Singapore who are suffering from back pain, there is a specialized physiotherapy clinic in Singapore called 'The Pain Relief Practice' which offers a FREE phone-based consultation to see if spinal decompression therapy can help your neck or back pain.

Darafbynn 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Degenerative disc disease from osteoarthritis of the back can cause you extreme pain and suffering. There are a few ways whereby you can treat degenerative disc disease. Understanding what degenerative disc disease is, and what you can do, are important steps towards a better quality of life.

The chance of getting degenerative disk disease increases with age. Degenerative disc disease refers to a group of painful back conditions. Other types of diseases that can cause it are spinal stenosis and ankylosing spondylitis. It is usually caused by osteoarthritis of the spine, and it can be quite painful. If you have osteoarthritis of the spine, your pain comes from the vertebra becoming inflamed and irritated because of the compression of the disk. As your spine works to heal itself, small calcium stones are created on the spinal column. You will then experience painful attacks and a lack of mobility of the spinal will occur.

There are several treatment options if you have osteoarthritis of the spine. A popular OTC medication is paracetamol for pain. Codeine can be used in conjunction with paracetamol for added pain relief too. There are other prescription medications that are anti-inflammatory, which reduce pain. Steroids such as prednisone are one, but they cannot be taken on a long-term basis, especially for people with high blood pressure and heart disease. Side effects include bleeding ulcers and severe indigestion.

Steroids can also be taken as injections directly into the back for pain relief from osteoarthritis. A newer treatment in the injection form is using hyaluronic acid. Some medical studies have shown that it may push the body to make other cells that form cartilage in the back. Other studies on hyaluronic injection treatments theorize that it may help with lubrication between the spinal pads of the back. Only your doctor is qualified to tell you if they feel that using hyaluronic treatment may be beneficial for your pain management from osteoarthritis in your back.

It is thought that because osteoarthritis inhibits blood flow to the cartilage and muscles, taking glucosamine and chondroitin helps increase blood flow and maintain a healthier cartilage. These are food supplements that can be bought directly from over the counter. Other types of natural holistic treatments are taking avocado and soybeans, in either a pill form, or adding this to your diet in elevated concentrations. A few medical studies have shown that people who did add this to their diet experienced less pain, and not quite as much dependence on painkillers. Talk with your doctor if you feel that it may help with your painful osteoarthritis episodes.

Exercise is another good way to control pain and help with movement. Also, make sure that you control your weight too. Excess weight causes pressure on the back, and increases pain in the back.

Non-traditional therapies for degenerative disc disease caused by osteoarthritis are acupuncture and deep body massages. Acupuncture is believed to inhibit the body's pain receptors in the brain, and it thereby makes it easier for you to cope with the pain. Deep body messages relax tense muscles, and it can stress from pain. Many people have found relief from pain by using these two techniques for pain management by either using them independently, or in conjunction with each other. It is also thought that with acupuncture and deep body messages that pain fighting hormones are released into the body to dull the sensation of pain.

An excellent home remedy is to use a heat on the painful area. You may find that a moist heat is the best, but always use safety when applying heat from a heating pad for your back. Do not leave the heat on it for more than 30 minutes, and let your skin cool down. You do not want blisters. You can reapply heat as needed throughout the day, but make sure to rest between cool downs. If you don't muscle spasms can occur, and it will delay your healing time. If you can take aspirin for your pain because it is an anti-inflammatory, but remember it's also a blood thinner, and aspirin will raise blood pressure.

It can be depressing to be inflicted with degenerative disc disease. The best that you can do is try out a combination of methods to help you relieve yourself from pain. Hopefully one day there will be an effective and safe cure for your back.

Darafbynn 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The Nubax Trio is a back decompression "machine."

If you've got back pain due to disc problems, decompression is the way to find relief... often immediately. But there CAN be problems...

Imagine setting up a full inversion table in your office...

You've been chained to your desk all morning and your back is really feeling it, so you decide to try to get some back relief on your lunch break... there you are, hanging upside down from your inversion table (with your dress down around your ears, ladies) and in walks one of your bosses - or even worse, one of your best clients!

Let's face it, not all of us can (or want to) use a full inversion table. Particularly for the office, they are impractical and inconvenient to say the least.

The Nubax Trio is a terrific option.

Picture that same office setting... There is a small - 16 pound - device sitting there that you sort of lean on and stretch... no need to change clothes, no need to worry about being embarrassed by someone walking in and if you want to hide it away, it's small enough to store in the office closet when not in use.

You probably won't want to hide it away... once the word gets out, you will probably have a line of co-workers outside your door begging to use your Nubax Trio.

Now, we get the benefits of a good stretch without the drawbacks of an inversion table - and since it only takes a few minutes (3 to 6), we can stretch throughout the day, whenever we feel the need. We don't have to suffer until we get home - or to the doctor.

That's why I'm writing this next review in my series of Back Pain Relief Product Reviews... if you are able to handle your back problems as they arise rather than waiting, your life is SOOOO much better! Your "achin' back" problems could be a thing of the past.

Here is how and why it works...

Between the vertebra in our backs, we have discs. These discs are full of fluid and are used to cushion as well as separate the vertebra in our backs. Think of the disc as being like a sponge.

As the day wears on, gravity squeezes the fluid out of the discs and they literally get smaller. That's why you can lose as much as 3/4" in height during the day! (Now you know why you have to adjust the rear view mirror when you get in the car at night. - you are literally shorter.)

As we age, wear and tear as well as gravity is a problem, and we have less fluid to start with, and less ability to replace it.

When we decompress, we are actually increasing the space between the vertebra.

This creates more room for our discs to reabsorb the fluids. BTW - we naturally do this at night when we are asleep. If you are dehydrated or don't get enough sleep, you don't reabsorb enough of the fluids and you are in for some pain the next day.

I'm sure you know what I mean.

As we decompress, the increased space creates a negative vacuum and literally sucks the cushioning fluids back into the discs.

Here's some boring terminology - A bulging disc is when the fluid inside the disc is trying to get out through a weak point, but hasn't ruptured the disc wall. A herniated disc is when it HAS ruptured the wall and is leaking. Imagine stepping on one side of a jelly filled donut.

A scientific study (American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation in 1999) has shown that traction therapy, which is the practice of stretching and lengthening the spine (AKA - Spinal Decompression), has been proven to help reduce or even eliminate back pain. They found an 81% success rate for eliminating pain.

Here are a few of the Nubax Trio features...

  • It's lightweight - 16 pounds.

  • Small enough to not be in the way, but easy to store if you want to...

  • Overall Dimension - 24" x 41" x 17"

  • Frame - 22.5" Wide x 31.5" Tall x 17" Deep

  • Height in use - 19" to 33"

  • Fast - 3-6 minutes per day.

  • About 90% cheaper than going to the Chiropractor.

  • Easy set-up out of the box - about 10 minutes - all tools and hardware are included.

  • Comes with a users guide and instructional CD.

  • Full money back guarantee.

Nubex Trio Pros...

  1. It's fast - 3 to 6 minutes a day.

  2. It's gentle - no stress or strain on the joints. (Inversion tables can put strain on the joints.)

  3. Saves time (1 - 2 hours) AND money (possibly $ thousands) on Chiropractor visits.

  4. Safe for those of us with high blood pressure and diabetes.

  5. Small enough to hide away and light enough so ANYONE CAN!

  6. Both short term and long term benefits...

  7. Clinically proven.

  8. There's a lot more but I don't want to write a sales page, just a review.

Nubax Trio Cons...

  1. Particularly tall people may not get as much stretch as they would like.

  2. Restricted to those of us that are under 300 pounds.

  3. Those of us that are under 18 years of age should consult a doctor before using. (Actually, that's a good idea for all of us!)

  4. If you have any of the following conditions, definitely consult your physician...

Bone weakness

Recent fractures

If you know you can not get off the floor


Skeletal implants

Some types of Joint Replacements

In summation...

I really like how fast and easy it is to use and the fact that it can be used in the office. I know that by stretching once or twice during the day rather than just suffering in silence, is enough to give me severe back pain relief... it makes my day better and more productive.

Plus once I get home at night, I feel much more refreshed and far more likely to feel "up to" doing something fun, rather than just planting myself in front of the TV.

I don't want this to be TOO long, but this review is just skimming the surface of the Nubax Trio. To find out more, can't hurt... but it CAN hurt if you don't!

Darafbynn 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Spinal Degenerative Spondylolisthesis is an extremely common condition that results from spinal arthritis. One vertebra slips on another, and it becomes a mechanical problem that cannot be "fixed". It may be painless and seen as an incidental finding on x-rays. Or symptoms may include back pain along with buttock, hip, and/or leg pain.

Once diagnosed with degenerative spondylolisthesis, what are treatment options? Here are 7 nonoperative pain management treatment options:

  1. Ignore it

  2. Physical Therapy

  3. Chiropractor Treatment

  4. Spinal Decompression

  5. Pain Medication

  6. Interventional Pain Treatments

  7. Bracing and TENS Unit

Ignoring the symptoms of degenerative spondylolisthesis is a treatment known as benign neglect. It's not a fatal condition and will not paralyze anyone, so if they symptoms are tolerable it is OK to simply deal with it until it rises to the level of concern. If you are wondering whether or not there is something you can do to prevent the condition from worsening, the answer is - not really.

There is some thought that nutraceutical substances like glucosamine and chondroitin sulfate may hold off the arthritis that may result in the spondylolisthesis, but this is not a definite.

Physical therapy and chiropractor treatment have been shown to very effective for back pain conditions, especially when they come on acutely (less than one month duration). It may be that your symptoms are an acute exacerbation and if treated with these options, may lessen back to a tolerable baseline.

Spinal decompression therapy is a revolutionary treatment option involving intermittent traction. It is very safe, FDA cleared, relatively painless, and extremely effective. Patients with degenerative spondylolisthesis are OK for the machine unless they have severe osteoporosis or post surgery with hardware.

Pain medications include NSAIDS, Tylenol, neuropathic medications, or narcotics. Over the counter medications according to the manufacturer's dosage specifications may control the pain very well such Aleve or ibuprofen. Neuropathic medications may include Neurontin or Lyrica. Narcotics should be provided under the guidance of a physician and should only be obtained by one doctor.

Interventional pain treatments include facet injections (facet blocks), epidural injections, or radio frequency ablation. For spinal arthritis or pinched nerves, spinal steroid injections have been shown to be extremely helpful. They are very low risk and may have very high benefit.

Spinal bracing may be very helpful in instances of back pain due to instability with one segment shifting on the segment below. A TENS Unit may keep symptoms at bay when utilized in moderation. It should be used according to your doctor's recommendations typically no more than an hour at a time with an hour off.

Surgery for degenerative spondylolisthesis should be performed as a last resort when all nonoperative options have failed.

Darafbynn 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

One of the most common surgeries of the spine is a spinal discectomy. Approximately 1% of the US population deals with a herniated lumbar disc with sciatica at any one point in time.

First, only a few individuals who are dealing with sciatica end up needing a spinal lumbar discectomy surgery, but if it does become necessary one of the questions is - what are the benefits of having the surgery performed in a minimally invasive fashion?

It sounds very sexy when you hear the words "minimally invasive". You get visions of no blood loss, an incision the size of a pinhead, and also visions of being up and walking five minutes after the surgery. In reality, only part of that is true.

Minimally invasive surgery began about 10 years ago with spine surgery and has continued to progress with better and better instrumentation. There are plastic tubes that surgeons can operate through, which spread muscle instead of cutting through and completely splitting it. Surgeons can use their headlights to look down the tube and there are excellent suction devices that double as a device for pulling tissue out of the way. But that still doesn't answer the question does it?

Numerous studies have been performed looking at minimally invasive spine surgery. The studies so far have shown that blood loss between a minimally invasive type of spine surgery and a normal type of discectomy are pretty much equivalent. In addition patients have not shown a statistically significant improvement in recovery time with minimally invasive surgery. There have been some trends in the data, but nothing has been definitively proven. In addition, times in surgery have not truly been altered with him minimally invasive approach.

Minimally invasive spine surgery is not going away anytime soon. In the relative scheme of things, the surgery is still fairly new and hopefully larger studies will prove the benefits of utilizing it. In theory there should be less pain postoperatively and quicker recovery time along with less harm to a patients musculature. It just makes sense when you're working through a tube as opposed to cutting through a lot of tissue.

For now, there are plenty of anecdotal reports of patients doing much better with a minimally invasive approach. The results of a regular discectomy are very very good, so either way patients are still doing fine with the procedure, although there are some small but real risks associated with it.

Darafbynn 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What is Sciatica?
Sciatica is a medical term used to explain symptoms that develop when the Sciatic nerve is compromised. Pseudo sciatica, which is the most common, occurs when the sciatic nerve is compressed by the Piriformis (bum) muscle. True sciatica occurs when one of the sciatic nerve roots is compressed when it exits the spinal column.

Symptoms of Sciatica
Regardless of the type of Sciatica you have the symptoms are the same. These symptoms include but are not limited to pain in the low back, buttocks and down the back of the leg. Numbness and tingling are also common symptoms and they follow the same pathway. Weakness can develop anywhere along this pathway because there is an interruption in the sciatic nerve transmission.

Anatomy of Sciatica
The sciatic nerve is the longest and largest nerve in your body. Five sets of paired nerve roots combine to create it, and it's about the diameter of your middle finger. The sciatic nerve starts in your low back, which is called your lumbar spine. The nerve roots are at the L4 and L5 vertebrae (the 'L' means lumbar, and the numbers indicate the level of the vertebra where it is in your back). The sciatic nerve also travels through your pelvic region (sacrum).

In most people, the sciatic nerve runs under the Piriformis (bum) muscle, which moves your thigh side to side. From there, the sciatic nerve descends through the buttocks and the back of the thighs. Behind your knee, smaller nerves branch out from the sciatic nerve and travel down to your feet.

How is Sciatica caused?
Pseudo Sciatica is caused by a tightening of the Piriformis muscle on the Sciatic nerve. The nerve passes under the Piriformis muscle and in some cases it passes right through the muscle tissue. Exercise, pregnancy, weight gain and posture can create a tight Piriformis muscle.

True sciatica is caused from a variety of conditions: disk bulging or herniation, Degenerative Disk Disease (DDD), spinal stenosis and pregnancy.

How to test for Sciatica
There are a variety of tests used to diagnose this condition. The first step is to go through a history of symptoms and activities with the client. Muscle and neurological tests are then done. An Xray, CT Scan or MRI might be needed depending on the initial findings.

How to Treat Sciatica
Pseudo Sciatica is easily treated by massage therapy. Usually in one treatment you will notice a dramatic improvement in your symptoms. Some home care exercises are prescribed and if you follow them you should have no more symptoms.

True Sciatica responds extremely will to spinal decompression treatments. This is performed on a special table. The treatment schedule depends on your specific symptoms and cause. What needs to be done with disk bulges/herniations is that the disk material needs to be absorbed back into the disk and this requires taking the pressure off the disk. This is why spinal decompression is so effective. It is essentially traction targeted to your specific condition.

I highly suggest trying it out and talking with Mike Dixon RMT. He has had over 20 years of clinical experience and he has been teaching spinal orthopaedics for over a decade. He has also written two books on spinal manipulation.

Darafbynn 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The discs in your back are the cushions between your spinal vertebrae. When there is damage that causes a disc to push against a nerve, it can cause extreme pain. A degenerative disc disease or a herniated disc may cause some forms of this type of chronic back pain. Spinal decompression, also known as Vertebral Axial Decompression (VAX-D), may be an effective way to treat disc deformities and pain. The practice and treatment of spinal decompression does not employ the use of drugs and is non surgical. It has been proven to alleviate pain in the arms, legs, neck and can significantly reduce the pain in your lower back and spine.

VAX-D is a thorough and slow elongation of the spine, which reduces the pressure on compressed discs and vertebrae. During the decompression therapy, the patient lies on the axial decompression table and relaxes while the machine uses reverse pressure to elongate the injured areas.

VAX-D is used in cases of patients who experience severe and constant back pain for a period of longer than one month. Even those who have frequent and recurring back pain for longer than 6 months or more can benefit from spinal decompression therapy. Studies have shown that spinal decompression therapy can effectively treat vertebral compression conditions such as sciatica, degenerative disc disease, herniated discs, spondylosis, facet arthropathy, and soft-tissue spinal stenosis. VAX-D has also shown to be more effective in treating these conditions than surgery.

By placing your spine in traction, the extreme pain of a herniated or bulging disc can be alleviated as the disc is lengthened and returns to it's normal condition. The elongation of the disc allows it to take in and absorb the necessary nutrients it needs for recovery. By putting negative pressure on the disc, or reversing the pressure load, the disc is allowed to heal more quickly and the pain of the herniated disc is eliminated.

One VAX-D system that has shown to be most effective is the DRX9000. After completing therapy with this system, which consisted of daily sessions in the beginning, tapering to one session per week, patients reported a major drop in pain intensity and an increase in activity an overall quality of life. None of the patients who participated in the study required any further treatments or surgery.

Spinal decompression therapy is extremely economical for those who can't afford surgical treatments or have the necessary insurance coverage. The cost of surgery is roughly 90% more expensive than spinal decompression therapy. For the cost benefits, the safety, and the overall effectiveness of the treatment, spinal decompression therapy is a smart option for treating your chronic back pain.

Darafbynn 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()


Will a TENS machine help heal my disease, such as bursitis, fracture, or muscle strain?


No. A TENS machine is a safe, effective, low tech machine for pain relief only. There is no evidence to back up its efficacy in disease modification, only for symptom management, meaning pain reduction. It should not be confused with a bone growth stimulator, which is a device working on either a pulsed electromagnetic field or maybe ultrasound. These devices have some evidence to back up their efficacy with disease modification, such as accelerated fracture healing.


Is a TENS machine expensive?


No, it's not. TENS do not cost thousands of dollars like a bone growth stimulator device or an ultrasound machine. They usually cost less than $150 and come with the wires and first set of electrodes. Electrodes are the pads that go on the skin and deliver the electrical impulse. Replacement pads can be purchased for under $10.


How long can I use my TENS at any one time?


It's not recommended to use your TENS unit for more than 2 hours at a time. Then take it off for 2 hours. There's really no hard and fast rule, but there is a small risk of skin irritation so it's best to be safe.


Are there dangers associated with TENS?

Answer: There are minor dangers with a TENS machine. They should not be used on the face or head area or if one has a pacemaker. There is a minor risk of skin irritation from the TENS, just monitor the area where the electrodes are placed.


For what problems is it OK to use a TENS machine?


There are hundreds of problems for which TENS work wonderfully. These include a low back or neck strain/sprain, shoulder tendonitis, ankle sprains, knee arthritis, post-operatively for incisional pain, RSD type pains in the extremities, and a ton more.


Do I need a prescription for a TENS unit?


Yes, any MD, DO, or DC can prescribe a TENS unit.


Will a TENS machine affect my ability to think?


No, in fact the TENS unit involves a small dose of electrical current and no medication at all. It may reduce the amount of pain medications being used and minimize the "narcotic fog" that is often seen. The electrical impulses will not affect the ability to think clearly.


How does a TENS device actually relieve pain?


TENS machines work on the Gate Control theory of pain, which is widely believed. The electrical impulses activate inhibitory cells which can shut down the "Gate" which allows pain signals to travel towards the brain. Less pain signals get through to the brain as the electrical impulses are supplied, and the patient feels less pain.


Who should not use a TENS machine?

People with Pacemakers should not use TENS machines.


Does insurance cover my TENS unit?


Yes it does. Medicare and Medicaid cover TENS in most states along with most private insurances. It all depends on your benefits.

Darafbynn 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

The DRX 9000 Non-Surgical Spinal Decompression System has been used in clinical practice over the past several years for the treatment of low back pain. Spinal decompression was developed to provide a non-invasive intervention for the treatment of low back pain and neck pain arising from bulging, herniated and degenerative discs.

A herniated or bulging disc (this is sometimes referred to as a "slipped" disc) is a spine condition where by the soft, gel-like center of the spinal disc (nucleus pulposis) has placed pressure on or tears through the outer layer of the disc (annulus fibrosis). Once the gel center of the disc has penetrated through the outer layer, it may cause inflammation and place pressure on neighboring spinal nerves resulting in back or neck pain. Sometimes this pain and/or numbness can travel into the legs/feet or arms/hands. If this problem is left untreated, it may progressively worsen over time.

The cause of these types of disc problems can stem from a variety of different mechanisms...from a slip and fall, an accident or injury, improper bending / lifting or even just the "wear and tear" of everyday postures and activities at work and home.

Prior to the DRX 9000, most patients with these types of compression related disc issues had few options outside of injections or surgery once a conservative approach to treatment (therapy, meds, acupuncture, chiropractic, etc...)has failed. The DRX 9000 offers patients a non-invasive alternative to surgery and injections. The aim of spinal decompression is to relieve pain by enlarging intra-discal spaces, reducing herniation and decreasing intra-discal pressure during treatment. Most patients find the treatments to be comfortable and relaxing and some even fall asleep during the procedure.

A recently published study by Dr. John Leslie of the Mayo Clinic showed after 2 weeks of treatments on the DRX 9000 there was a 50 percent reduction in pain scores and upon completion of the entire protocol an amazing success rate of 88.9 percent was documented.

While herniated and bulging discs are common back pain conditions, Long Island residents today have a new effective, non-surgical alternative with the DRX9000 Non-surgical Spinal Decompression System.

This article is not intended nor should be used as a substitute for professional medical advice.

Darafbynn 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

What is an Inversion Table?

Inversion tables are devices which allow the user to attach his or her feet to the base, tilt backward, and hang upside down. Most inversion tables allow you to adjust the angle of inversion thus you can hang anywhere from a 45 degree angle to being completely perpendicular to the floor.

The goal of the inversion table is to utilize the weight of your body to help provide traction of the spine. The idea is that for those suffering from sciatica or disc related low back conditions providing for a traction effect of the spine will help reduce a disc bulge, decrease nerve root compression, and possible add to the hydration of the discs.

Who Should Use Inversion Traction?

Based on the research, inversion traction is an effective means of increasing the space between the vertebrae of the lumbar spine. Studies have evaluated the use of inversion therapy for those with both acute and chronic lower back pain. Although the studies involve a small number of participants, there is evidence that inversion traction is effective in reducing low back pain.

Unfortunately no study has evaluated what type of low back condition is best helped by this form of therapy. And because symptoms associated with a herniated disc are very different than spinal stenosis symptoms, caution must be used in utilizing inversion traction for all types of low back or sciatica symptoms.

Who Should NOT Use Inversion Traction?

Although on the Dr. Oz show inversion traction was touted as a means of increasing blood flow to the brain, this may not be a good effect for everyone. Studies have shown that blood pressure consistently increases when using inversion traction. Thus, for those who have high blood pressure, this form of therapy should only be considered under medical supervision.

An increase in blood pressure can also have a negative effect on those with a specific eye condition. Those with a history of glaucoma, an eye disease associated with increased intraocular pressure, should also avoid inversion traction as increased pressure to the eyes and head occurs with the use of this type of device.

Although the effect of inversion therapy helps to increase the space between the lumbar vertebrae, studies have found it has the opposite effect for the cervical spine in that it slightly adds compression. If you also have a history of a cervical condition, use significant caution as this form of traction can aggravate neck symptoms.

Inversion traction does have some benefits in the treatment of low back conditions. The use of this therapy is not indicated for those with a history of high blood pressure or glaucoma. As with the use of any new therapy, consult a medical professional before implementing it into your treatment program.

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