What a Herniated Disc Is

The disc that sets between the spinal vertebrae ruptures when the dog has a herniated disc. When the disc ruptures the gel-like material on the inside of it seeps out. This material then can become hardened and calcified, which lessens its shock-absorption ability. Pressure can cause this hardened substance to explode or bulge into the spinal canal nearby, where the spinal cord is located. This is the process that is known as herniation. This can result in pain and elevate to feeling loss or paralysis.

Treatment Options for Herniated Discs in Dogs

There is more than one treatment option for the dogs when a herniated disc happens. If the dog is still moving then prednisone can be given to the dog. Treatment with this will lessen the swelling around the spinal cord which is causing the pain and making it unpleasant for the dog to move. This treatment can take the place of surgery sometimes. The dog should not however stay on this treatment too long because steroids like the prednisone can have negative side effects that can cause the dog problems.

The veterinarian could instead recommend limited activity and rest for the dog. This will decrease the amount of stress that dog's back is being put through. Of course this treatment and the prednisone are only for mild cases where the dog can still walk.

In the event your dog cannot walk or other treatments have not worked, the doctor will most likely want to operate. He will order various diagnostic procedures to be preformed first though. This surgery will help take the pressure off the dog's spinal cord which is brought on by the hardened gel and other debris.

A great percentage of the dogs do quite well with the surgery, if the nerve damage is not too severe and it is caught soon enough. Rehabilitation is also part of this treatment. Rehabilitation for dogs could involve exercises and underwater treadmills to improve muscular strength. This could also improve how the dog in functioning neurologically.

The major problem with herniated discs is that they can keep happening. As long as there is a healthy disc left it can become herniated. There are some breeds of dogs that have more of a tendency towards this problem than others. The body weight should be kept down in the dogs that are predisposed to this problem. Any dog is good physical health can recover from this problem better than one in poor physical condition.

Also instead of regular neck collars use the chest harness kind. The neck collars can cause stress on the neck. The dogs also should not have jarring motions happen to the back such as jumping off of the furniture.

When you are suspecting problems contact the veterinarian immediately.

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1. Hire experts to do what you are not good at!

If you are an expert in your field and really good at what you do - why waste your time trying to figure out how to do things you

a. Don't know...

b. Are not good at...

c. Don't have time for?

For example, I love designing websites and marketing materials, as an artist, I just love it. I happened to be born with an artistic gene,

I am an expert at designing and developing websites that are marketing machines.

I have been in this industry for over a decade. I have experience so I am a great consultant. I can draw up marketing plans like nobodies business, but...

Programming is not my talent and it is not my niche...

I tried when I first started as a web developer and found I just am not the programming type - it took me days to accomplish what it takes a programmer an hour to do. Being in this business so long I have some very good connections. When I have to have some heavy programming done I don't do it myself I hire the best...

Saves me time, stress and ultimately saves me money.

2. Prepare - have a plan.

I have seen so many people just decide one day to have an online business and they don't do the preparation needed to really have a solid foundation.

You need to write out your goals and then put it into a business plan. Write out what your goals are and a detailed map of how you are going to get to your goal.

When you get to the point you need a website - what type do you need?

a. Do you want to use you website to market your business?

b. Do you have a product or services you want to sell?

C. Do you want to put up a portfolio?

Would a blog be what you need or do you need both...

You get my point.

3. Have the right image!

If you truly want to develop a successful business, a solid foundation is one of the most important things you can do. It will be the springboard where all your success will come from.

What do I mean by "The Right Image"?

Well that will depend a bit on what it is you are doing. First your business does need a website - I may sound like a broken record but - it is true!

People use the internet as a research tool to learn about businesses in their area - or to see who to go to for products and services - so you need to look professional.

Secondly the website, your business cards and all marketing materials must be branded and attract your target market.

If you are in a business that deals with children and parents it will look quite a bit different than a business that is for the Adult - Professional world.

Branding means to have all marketing materials, website, ads etc have the same images, colors, flavor, and feeling that you want to portray to your customers/clients.

Last but certainly not least - when meeting people in person make sure you make a good impression - dress so you look like a successful business owner - be polite and always remember you never know who it is you are talking to - it may be the person that will open the door to a flood of clients.

4. Be prepared to work.

Business is hard work - it is fun and challenging as well - but it is not going to be a piece of cake. Be prepared to put the time in especially in the beginning when you are trying to get established.

Realize that when you own your own business you and you alone will be responsible for the success or failure of your business.

Failure comes when someone is not ready to put in the work, or does not do their due diligence.  Failure comes in when you give up - because things are not going as you thought they would. Failure comes when things are not working, but you still keep doing what you are doing.

Remember - you may need to change course from time to time that is just the way businesses grow.

The difference between success and failure is that the successful person, will stumble and fall at times but they get up dust off the disappointment and figures out a way to solve the problem.

The unsuccessful person stumbles or falls and doesn't get up - decides life is against them "so why try?".

I don't care what you have heard - if you think you will be making big bucks with very little time invested think again.

5. Networking the back bone of any business - network!

I am sure you have heard the saying "it isn't what you know but who you know" - I believe that is only half true - it is "what you know and who you know". That is the beauty of going to networking events or accessing web 2.0 sites and getting to know people on-line.

It really is amazing what you can accomplish when you are networking with the right people.

6. Money is made and lost through relationships...

If you only have your eyes on you and what others can do for you, than you my friend will find that you will be on the losing end of #5

7. Sell - Sell - Sell

A lot of people really have a negative image of a sales person - it congers up someone that is insincere at best and a crook at worst.

Nothing can be farther from the truth. A good sales person believes in what she/he has to sell and considers it something that will make that persons life a little better.

When you are authentic - then you believe in your product and service. When you believe in what you are doing than it is just natural that you will be excited and enthusiastic about getting the word out to every one that can benefit.

Have you ever heard "Your mouth is your business it should always be opened"? Funny saying but it is really true - please don't go overboard and bore people to tears by just talking about you and you business - but where appropriate talk!

Find solutions for people that need your expertise. It's all about balance - and (where appropriate) don't forget to ask for the sell.

Now get out there and show what you are made of...

Darafbynn 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Spinal Decompression Therapy is designed to relieve pressure on joints, nerves, and intervertebral discs. It may be used to treat a wide range of problems, improving function and optimizing patient health. Spinal Decompression Treatment starts with a consultation with a chiropractic doctor who fully evaluates the patient with a history, and detailed musculoskeletal examination.

The patient may need imaging studies prior to commencing treatment. Once it's clear that the patient is safe to start treatment, the individual is positioned either face up (supine) or face down (prone) on the table according to the condition being treated. At times, placing the position in one position may be more painful than another so it's great to have the option.

If the patient is receiving lumbar spinal decompression, the patient holds on to hand grips and a pelvic harness is placed around the patient to apply the intermittent traction. If the patient is receiving cervical spinal decompression, the patient is positioned with their torso slightly elevated and a cervical harness applying traction underneath the areas of the mastoid. The elevation decreases shear forces and prevents the patient from being pulled off the table (the forces are fairly gentle).

During the procedure, the table is stretched apart as the intermittent traction occurs. It is not continuous spinal traction, rather intermittent so as to prevent the paraspinal muscles from spasm and guarding. Disc pressure is relieved and within the disc negative pressure is created. Nutrients and oxygen and blood flow are pulled in, allowing substances for healing of damaged regions.

Nerves that are being pinched as they exit the spinal column, from spinal stenosis or a disc herniation, may be relieved as the decompression allows for more room for the nerves to exit.

Spinal decompression is safe and may be beneficial for acute and chronic neck and back pain. A series of sessions are typical and may provide lasting pain relief.

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Epidural steroid injections are commonly used for the treatment of back pain. It injects a powerful anti-inflammatory with a local anesthetic pain relief medicine directly around the spinal nerves, providing immediate pain relief. However, even the best drugs in the world are not without the dreadful side effects. Side effects from epidural steroid injections are rare but not uncommon. No more than 3 doses of treatment should be given within a 12 months period with each treatment spaced at least 2 months apart from each other.

  1. Infection -Infections occurring are rare nowadays due to the advanced technique and the usage of sterile needles. They are extremely unusual, occurring only less than 0.5%. However, patients suffering from diabetes are at a higher risk.

  2. Bleeding -Bleeding is also unusual and patients who are suffering from bleeding disorders or taking blood thinning medications are not allowed to be given epidural steroid injections. Their spinal cord can be compressed and could lead to serious consequences, possibly even death.

  3. Dural tears -It is a very common side effect which occurs in 1% to 2% of all reported cases. The dural is accidentally punctured with the needle and results in the patient suffering from headache. The needle punctured dural reduces the amount of cerebrospinal fluid pressure which in turns causes a spinal headache and is improved when the patient lies down. It will usually go away by itself in a couple of days.

  4. Nerve damage -It is an extremely rare side effect but has been reported. The injection needle injures the spinal nerves which are compressed, resulting in either temporary or worse permanent damage.

  5. Blood sugar -Blood sugar levels especially in patients suffering from diabetes have been reported.

  6. Allergy reaction -Patients have reported to be allergic to the medication present in the injection and this is normally due to the preservative in the medication and not with the active ingredient itself.

  7. Weakening of muscles -Steroid myopathy which is effectively the weakening of thigh muscles has been reported. Cases are rare.

  8. Facial redness -Occasionally, patients have reported to suffer from facial redness after the injection. The effects usually subside in a couple of hours, at most a few days and are not serious.

  9. Fevers -Patients have also reported having low grade fever after injection and this is due to the body's natural defence mechanism reacting with the steroid. It is nothing serious and will go away on this own.

Long term side effects from epidural steroid injections are uncommon and the side effects are usually non critical, however do not be complacent and always seek the help of a qualified medical practitioner if any complication arises.

Darafbynn 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

There are many highly effective and natural ways to help a herniated disc. These ways will often totally unravel the problem you have, leaving you free of back pain and back troubles. However, you need to know the best natural ways and what a herniated disc is, for better understanding.

A herniated disc, also known as a prolapsed disc, a ruptured disc and mistakenly, a slipped disc. Mistakenly, as a herniated disc is not a disc that has slipped out of place. It is a protrusion (or hernia) of the inner part of the disc. Often this presses on the spinal nerve, causing sciatica or nerve related pain down your leg.

The cause of a herniated disc can come from an injury, such as from constantly lifting heavy objects from a position of a bent back. Or it can come about because you have a weakness in your back and the extra strain of an insignificant back movement was the cause.

Whatever the cause, the natural modality of health care homeopathy, probably offers you one of the best ways to totally resolve your back problem.

Homeopathy is a very powerful modality of complete and natural health care. It works by matching your unique and personal symptoms and causes to the most appropriate treatment. This treatment then acts as a catalyst to stimulate your immune system to work more efficiently.

Your good health totally depends on the action (or not) of your immune system. This then enables you to cure you. And this is the only true form of healing or cure. It must come from within you. Nothing outside of you can ever cure you. It can only ever put you in the best possible position for you to cure you.

And homeopathy puts you in that perfect position.

Although help for a herniated disc is best left to the skills of a professional homeopath, homeopathy is a highly flexible modality of health care. In addition to professional help, you can learn some basic skills to home prescribe for those minor (and non-so-minor) ailments than occur on a daily basis in any healthy family.

Darafbynn 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

Once you know your leg and back pain are actually caused by sciatica, you may wonder if you can see a chiropractor for some relief. You know that a chiropractor can help with other back pain, why not sciatica? First off, you must know if your condition is acute, or chronic. The chromic form lasts for more than six weeks, and is causing other symptoms aside from your leg pain or back pain, you should consult a doctor to make certain you don't have any serious conditions that are creating your nerve pain. However, short term, or the acute form, which lasts for less than six weeks, can usually be targeted effectively with some form of chiropractic manipulations.

Spinal manipulation for acute pain has been shown to be quite effective at relieving the painful symptoms of sciatica, provided the diagnosis is for the short term, or acute condition. Your chiropractor may recommend a combination of his or her spinal articulations on your synovial joints in the office, as well as outlining some exercises that may be done at home. The adjustments given in a chiropractic office can help with the acute pain caused by your condition, along with the exercise you should be giving your body to stretch out your muscles and train your joints to move again. You should always talk to your general practitioner before you start on any form of therapy or exercise routine, to make sure it is safe for you to do so.

Seeing a chiropractor after you have been diagnosed with the acute form of this condition can ensure you are getting a drug-free form of treatment, though if your pain is severe enough, you can ask your general practitioner what options there are for over the counter or prescription drugs. However, seeing a chiropractor for spinal manipulations is a good alternative if you can't take strong painkillers due to work or for other reasons. A good chiropractor can usually be found in your vicinity, can be recommended by friends and family. Make sure you do your research, and ask if they have had any experience with patients that are experiencing acute sciatica. The recommendation of friends or family that have seen a chiropractor for their own sciatica are usually the ones to most closely heed; they can tell you who they have seen and if the treatments helped. Seeing a chiropractor may give you the relief you are looking for.

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Swedish massage is known as the "traditional" massage - when people say they're getting a massage, this is probably what you think of. They're known for their long, flowing strokes, and are designed to alleviate a number of health issues.

I wanted to take the opportunity to tell you a little bit more about Swedish massages, and its advantages.

This special type of soft tissue manipulation can have many benefits, including:

o Improved blood circulation: This type of massage can help dilate the blood vessels in your body. This causes increased circulation, which allows your body to expel the toxins that build up. This results in a fitter, healthier you!

o Injury prevention: We mentioned that this type of massage can be a great way to expel the toxins that build up in your body. In addition to your overall health, it can also be a great way to protect against injury and muscle spasms, and boost the immune system.

o Increased flexibility: Massage can help you carefully expand your flexibility.

Other benefits include:

o Massages release endorphins
o Reduce pain
o Build weak muscles
o Causes muscles to be more durable
o Causes you to slow your breathing
o Improves digestion

But most of all...

But most importantly, a Swedish Massage just makes you feel great! It relaxes your whole body. Many of our clients find that the stresses of their everyday life just seem to slip away.

Comparison with other massages:

Swedish Massage is notable as an "overall body" massage. Other massages (such as the ones offered at our spa) tend to focus on more specific parts of the body. For instance, a Reflexology massage focuses exclusively on the feet, hands and ears. A deep tissue massage focuses on the muscles more deeply than would be appropriate in a Swedish Massage.

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In today's fast paced, hectic society, just about everyone has suffered from some form of a headache. A tension headache is generally fairly moderate, and may be described as feeling like a tight belt around the head. These types of headaches can last for as little as 30 minutes, or they can last for several days. The difference of time determines whether the tension headache is classified as episodic or chronic.

Some 30-80% of the general adult population will suffer from occasional headaches; whereas only 3% of the adult population will suffer from chronic daily tension headaches. Females are twice as likely to get them as compared to men, with headaches in general affecting women more than men.

The causes of headaches are varied. There is no genetic predisposition (inherited trait) for tension headaches; they can strike anyone at anytime. The causes can generally be traced back to stress and tension in everyday life. Emotional anxiety and distress can also bring on this type of headache. Other contributing factors include poor posture, overexertion, fatigue and lack of rest, and also hunger.

There are also a wide variety of stress factors that can trigger a headache. Some examples are; job loss or problems, having a child, going on vacation, competing in sports, being overweight, no close friends, romance or marriage problems. The list is really endless, as humans are complex emotional creatures.

Headache symptoms are; mild to moderate pain on the top, sides, or back of the head; irritability, chronic fatigue, insomnia, inability to concentrate, mild sensitivity to light or noise, or general muscle aches.

Traditional medical treatments include pain relievers, antidepressants, muscle relaxants. Most of the pain relievers are OTC (over-the-counter), although in more severe cases the doctor will recommend prescription-strength painkillers (drugs). It should be noted that powerful pain drugs do not cure tension headaches, they simply relieve the symptoms. Changing lifestyles may go more to the root cause of headaches. Additionally, these drugs all have serious side effects, which should be taken into account.

Alternative Medicine for Tension Headaches

There are alternative therapies and treatments available. Some of these are biofeedback, acupuncture and acupressure, Reiki therapy, massage therapy, light therapy, homeopathy, and general relaxation and meditation techniques. But a highly effective treatment for tension headaches that is often overlooked is chiropractic care.

As mentioned previously, traditional medical approaches to relieving of headache pain involve the use of painkiller drugs. These drugs only relieve the symptoms of headaches. On the other hand, chiropractic treatment of headaches may get to the root cause of the problem, thus the chiropractic approach may actually be considered a cure for tension headaches, rather than treatment or care.

Our neck muscles are very susceptible to tension, and the trained chiropractor can, by neck and muscle manipulation, ' release' the trapped energy in the neck and gently realign any vertebral misalignments, which is in turn may be causing the headache. While it is true that stress is part of life, in the final analysis it may not be the stress itself causing the tension headache, but rather how the body reacts or adapts to that stress.

Chiropractic care can train and instruct the patient on how to adapt to and manage difficult situations. In fact, chiropractic spinal and neck manipulation have been demonstrated in clinical trials to alleviate headache pain just as effectively as drug painkillers, and the effects were longer lasting. Other studies have shown a 50% reduction in the severity of a tension headache after only ten minutes of spinal manipulation.

Your Doctor of Chiropractic will also recommend different lifestyle changes, as well as nutritional changes, in addition to spinal and neck manipulation. Ergonomic (work postures), specific exercises, and relaxation techniques may also be added to your repertoire of headache pain relief modalities.

Chiropractic care may be your best bet for headache relief!

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A doctor asked me the other day "do I have to use my Facebook fan page?" My question is why wouldn't you? Especially if you already have one set up. Trust me; there are other chiropractors who do have one, maybe your competitor right around the corner has one...have you checked? If you don't mind letting someone take your potential patients, then that's your choice.

But seriously; why would you toss away a free platform to promote your chiropractic practice? That's right I said free!

A Facebook fan page is free. I'm not talking about Facebook ads; DO NOT confuse "fan page" with the advertising that you can do through Facebook. Facebook ads and a Facebook fan page are two separate marketing tools. One is totally free and the other is a very affordable way to advertise, but first things first; get a fan page created for your practice. To further complicate the issue, don't confuse a profile page with a fan page.

Allow me to unpack this free chiropractic marketing phenomenon for you.

A Facebook profile page is simply a personal page about you. You may already have one or maybe not. If you don't have a Facebook profile page set up, you do not have to have one in order to create a fan page, however if you already have one, then you will see later how this will benefit your fan page.

A Facebook fan page is a page set up for people to find and "like" if they so choose, but more importantly it is a perfect place to advertise and market your chiropractic office.

Think of your profile page as a personal page about you. Through the profile page you connect with family, friends, long lost friends from college, high school and your hometown. Think of your fan page as a business page about your practice. A person can have only one profile page but can have several fan pages; more on that topic later.

For the time let's assume you already have a profile page with just your name. From your profile page if you type the word "pages" in your Facebook search bar and press enter, you will be directed to a page with a whole slew of Facebook pages. At the top right hand corner you will see a button that says "create page". You will then be directed to another page where you will choose what type of page you wish to create. To make this simple; if you are a chiropractor in Anytown, USA then it's safe to say that you will select the "Local Business or Place" button. You will then be asked to choose a category. There are many to choose from; for a chiropractic office I would say the category would be "local business". You will then proceed with filling in the blanks; name, address, phone.

NOTE: When filling out the name; this will be the page name, please understand that you cannot change this later so be careful to choose wisely. The name of your practice would be an obvious choice; but...what about the town you're located in? If you were looking for a chiropractor close to your home (yes, people look for things on Facebook!) what would you type in the search box? I would suggest doing some test searches on Facebook first. But for now it's safe to say; you will want to include your town name and state in the page name. Example: Amazing Chiropractic, Anytown, ST.

You will be asked to check the box agreeing to Facebook terms. Once completed you will press enter and you should now be looking at your new Facebook fan page.

Congratulations! You're now the proud owner of a Facebook fan page. From here you will be able to find the "edit page" link on the left side of the page, under the profile picture area. Don't worry; Facebook has step by step instructions for you to follow.

In about an hour's time you will have your page set up and ready to go. Use it for all it's worth too. Pack your information page with all of your practice's information. Hours of operation, directions, services and products you offer. If you have a website you should include that information too. Then later you can add the Facebook logo to your website so your website visitors can find you on Facebook.

Remember, I mentioned how your profile page could benefit you; this is how. You can share your new page with all of your friends so they will begin to follow you. In addition, you will want to tell your patients about your Facebook page so they can join in the fun and keep up with your important status updates.

I also mentioned the idea of more than one fan page; why would you want to have more than one? Do you offer massage or spinal decompression in your office? Yes, I am suggesting that you can have a fan page for those services too. But for now I suggest you build this page and then look into the Facebook advertising to expand your chiropractic marketing portfolio even further.

Darafbynn 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

A herniated disc occurs in the lower back and is often referred to as a pinched nerve, a slipped disc, or as throwing your back out. It can be incredibly painful and lead to chronic pain that never really goes away. Common herniated disc symptoms include, a shooting type pain in the lower back, sometimes only one side of the body as well as weakness in the legs, feet or toes. Usually the pain tends to intensify when standing and is slightly relieved when laying down. Doctors usually want to perform surgery on patients who have herniated discs but there are a number of reasons why this isn't necessarily the best option.

Surgery is a very serious thing to undergo and there isn't any type of guarantee that there won't be further issues or complications after the procedure. There are other methods to try and cope with the pain of herniated disc symptoms. One of which is spinal decompression therapy. It is a non-surgical option that aids those who have a herniated disc with ways to manage and even alleviate pain. This has been known to work on the pain in various parts of the body created from a herniated disc, whether it is the neck, legs, or feet.

This type of therapy is offered in many different chiropractic offices. It is important that you see a chiropractor who is familiar with the techniques and adjustments that help those who suffer from herniated discs. Not all chiropractors are knowledgeable in this specific area so it's imperative that you verify that the chiropractor you are going to knows exactly what they are doing. Spinal decompression therapy is also FDA approved as a viable alternative to dangerous and invasive back surgery. Even those who continue to experience strong back pain post surgery are advised to try this alternate method to lessen and possibly diminish their back pain.

Spinal decompression is effective because it uses traction. By doing this there is an opposite and negative pressure that positions itself on the herniated disc. Another great thing about this option is that it is only 10% of the cost of the surgery so it is definitely the economically favored option. There are just so many reasons why at least trying this option is better than letting a surgeon cut open your back.

Back pain is a horrible thing to deal with on a continual basis and herniated disc symptoms are not mild nor are they pleasant. The back, leg, and neck pain can sometimes be so excruciating that any type of relief would be appreciated. Many doctors' first instincts are to prescribe medication and to cut. These are not always the best options for every patient though.

Do your research and find out whether spinal decompression therapy is the right choice for you. It has helped so many different people cope with their herniated disc symptoms and has even completely eliminated the pain for others. What do you really have to lose aside from all of your discomfort and back pain?

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