Bulging spinal discs which are more usually known as a herniated spinal disc are extremely painful. If you ever suffer from a bulging spinal disc what happens is that the outer layer known as the annulus becomes corrupted and the protective jelly like substance in the middle of the spinal disc begins to shift and exposes a much weaker and more sensitive element of the disc.

What occurs is what you would describe as a bulge in the spinal disc wall and that is why it is commonly known as a bulging or herniated disc. The pressure that occurs as a result of the bulge is exerted upon the spinal nerves and this in itself is what results in severe and acute pain.

A slipped disc can cause discomfort and disability in various parts of the body. About 92% of slipped discs happen around the lower back region or lower spine areas of the spinal column. Symptoms of a bulging disc depend very much on the location of the affected disc in the spine.

Some people may experience pain in their legs and hips if the lower back is affected. While others may feel pain in the arms if the problem is in the shoulder region in the upper back. Only a proper medical examination can determine the presence of a bulging disc. This will include X-rays. MRI or CT scans.

So what can you do about a bulging disc in your back? Firstly, the treatment you receive will depend on the severity of the pain you have from a herniated disc.Your doctor will assess your needs best and recommend the best course of treatment. Rest plays an important role in the recovery of a protruding disc. This helps to relieve the pressure and stress on your spine.

A good mattress combined with a pillow under your knees in bed can help to alleviate the pain. A word of caution though. Too much rest is not advised after the initial onset of pain, as it can make the muscles become weaker and aggravate the condition.

Minor exercise is normally advised and you could end up being referred to a physical massage therapist. Under their instructions they will give you the right exercises to boost as well as strengthen your back muscle groups, reducing irritation and pain.

Also you can be shown ways to enhance your good posture to provide maximum relaxation and much less stress to your spinal column. In the management of pain reduction, health professionals frequently prescribe anti-inflammatory medications, such as aspirin. However, in the event the soreness is more extreme, you could be offered a powerful epidural steroid injection. As well as alleviating soreness they act as a powerful anti-inflammatory too.

In the event the pain is really so extreme that it is affecting your total well-being and flexibility, medical procedures might be advised. This can be used as a last resort due to the prospects for lasting neural harm. Surgical procedure is normally taken into consideration in situations when the protrusion of the disc is more in the vertebral channel. The surgery will be targeted at relieving the pain as well as decreasing extra deterioration.A protruding disc is usually quite uncomfortable, so it is important to understand which actions you need to steer clear of so they won't worsen the problem. It is best to safeguard your lumbar region while lifting, discovering the correct techniques. Using a good position whenever being seated or standing. The right seat and bed mattress which support your lower back are essential.

The discs that make up your spine are extremely important as they are like the shock absorbers in a car and keep separate each vertebrae in your back. The shock is absorbed when you start to move which has the effect of protecting your bones from injury.

Every single vertebrae disc contains two elements. The first one is a robust outside cover known as the annulus. The second is a very soft glutinous centre called the nucleus. The spinal nerves are situated after every disc in the spine. This is where the pain emanates from when you experience a protruding disc. The pressure put upon the nerves is caused by the change that is taking place due to the compression of the disc.

Keeping a healthy weight can make an impact in managing the pain of a slipped disc. Less weight will mean less stress on your backbone. Regular exercise is critical to keep the lumbar region versatile and also healthy. It's also sensible to know that age is an additional risk component for slipped discs. Vertebrae can get weaker and less flexible with time. Unfortunately there is nothing that can be done in regards to the aging process, but looking after yourself can help in controlling the impacts of a bulging disc.

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A Revolutionary Treatment for Back and Neck Pain

Spinal Decompression is an incredibly successful treatment for severe chronic back or neck pain. It is non-surgical and non-invasive. There are no drugs or medications involved. And, there are no known side effects. It is proven to be successful even with patients who have had limited success with other conventional therapies like drugs, injections, chiropractic, physiotherapy, massage, acupuncture, and even failed surgery.

The most common conditions successfully treated by Spinal Decompression include herniated discs, bulging or protruding discs, degenerative disc disease, stenosis, spinal arthritis, posterior facet syndrome and sciatica.

Spinal Decompression

The revolutionary technology behind Spinal Decompression makes it possible for a unique and highly specific force to target the specific damaged disc and problem vertebrae in the spine. The decompressive force gently stretches the spine where needed, causing negative pressure to develop in the damaged disc. This causes the disc bulge (or herniation) to move off of the injured nerve and retract back into the disc. At the same time, the negative pressure also draws water, oxygen and nutrients back into the disc, restoring and rejuvenating the disc towards a normal height.

Spinal Decompression is unique in that it heals at the source. It is not a temporal fix. It does not mask symptoms. This is true healing. Your pain diminishes as your disc heals.

There are several decompression systems on the market. The DRX9000 is considered by many doctors to be the leading technology in Spinal Decompression.

The internal computer of the DRX9000 is programmed by the doctor to target the exact location of your damaged disc for care. During each treatment session, the pulling forces you experience are calculated specifically for you. The DRX9000 on-board computer monitors the decompression forces - 4,000 times per second -- and adjusts them as needed based on your body's response to treatment. This ensures that you experience an accurate and pain-free session.

The Patient Experience

During each treatment session (there will be several), the patient lies on a padded comfortable bed, secured into position by an upper- and lower-body harness. Typically, each session is divided into cycles where spinal decompression forces alternate between a maximum and minimum therapeutic level. The cycling of forces in this manner creates a pumping action that simulates the natural processes responsible for re-nourishing and healing your damaged disc. Most patients experience a gentle stretch in the lumbar spine (or neck). Patients find Spinal Decompression therapy to be quite comfortable and even relaxing. During the session the patient has an opportunity to tune in to a video or music. Few patients may experience mild muscular soreness during treatment, similar to what one might feel when starting a new exercise regimen.

Adjunctive therapies are prescribed to support the benefits of Spinal Decompression therapy. After the program of care is complete, patients return to see the doctor for evaluation and monitoring.

Interesting Facts About Spinal Decompression

Research studies consistently show an incredibly high success rate for pain relief with qualified patients who complete their program of Spinal Decompression care:

- On average, eighty-six percent of patients report immediate resolution of symptoms

- Eighty-four percent remain pain-free 90 days post-treatment

- Use of pain medications is usually completely discontinued or decreased by the patient's MD

- Daily life activities are resumed - things such as work, bathing, dressing, walking, sleeping and activities

Today there is no other treatment or therapy for severe back pain and neck pain caused by damaged discs that is as effective as Spinal Decompression.

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If you are suffering from pain caused by a pinched nerve in in your lower back you are not alone. Millions of people are suffering just like you. Not only in the United States but throughout the whole world.

Luckily, there are a multitude of treatments that can effectively get rid of your pain.

Always make sure that you practice proper body posture and mechanics throughout the day. Simple things like bending your knees when you are picking something up from the ground and even sitting and standing upright instead of slouching can often times provide dramatic relief.

Simple stretching exercises also work wonders to alleviate symptoms.

Strengthening exercises of the abdominal and lumbar spine muscles should also be incorporated into your routine. These muscles support and protect your spine and spinal discs. In a way they are the armor of your body.

Stay active. Many people mistakenly believe that bed rest is the best treatment for back pain. This is a huge misconception. Clinical studies have proven that staying active is one of the best ways to get rid of your symptoms. Bike riding is one of the best exercises for staying active and not putting a great deal of stress on your body.

If these suggestions do not do the trick, then you definitely want to see your Family Chiropractor and Medical Doctor. Sometimes, your symptoms can be caused by a disc herniation and your Doctor will have to order the appropriate diagnostic studies like an MRI to properly diagnose your condition.

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T.E.N.S. is an acronym for Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation. They are small battery powered devices designed to relieve post-operative, acute, and chronic pain. They are about the size of an iPod. It is a safe non-invasive drug free method of pain management that can help decrease the need for pain medication and also supplement treatment being received for pain control. It is used for pain caused by peripheral nerves and not centrally derived pain. TENS Units are prescription only devices. Sometimes they have attachments that go on your pants or pockets so that they are easy to bring with you.

TENS units are often used along with additional non-operative treatments such as Physical Therapy, Physiotherapy, Pain Management, Chiropractic, Spinal Decompression, or Manipulation Under Anesthesia.

How Do They Work?

A TENS unit is a device that transmits small square electrical pulses to the electrodes, which transmit this electrical pulse to the underlying nerves. The fundamental components of a TENS unit are the electrodes, a highly advanced computer chip, and an electrical battery source. The small amount of electricity is transmitted through the computer component then to the electrodes, which transmits the electrical waveform through the skin to the underlying nerves.

The user can personalize the pulse frequency, which is the strength of the electrical current given to the electrode (this should be accomplished in conjunction with the prescribing provider).Typically the prescribing provider will show the patient how to use the device and show any advisable setting options.

What conditions are helped with Transcutaneous Units?

Neck Pain, Back Pain, Arthritis, Sciatica, headaches, Muscular Strains, TMJ Disorder, Radiculopathy, pain from herniated discs, mid back pain, upper back pain, tendonitis, Sports Injuries, bursitis,

TENS units will not cure a disease or pain problem. They are of no curative value. It is a symptomatic treatment which suppresses pain sensation.

Application of a TENS Unit

Electrodes are placed on or near the area of pain. Soothing pulses are sent via the electrodes through the skin and along the nerve fibers. The current travels through the electrodes and into the skin stimulating specific nerve pathways to produce a tingling or massaging sensation that reduces the perception of pain. The pulses suppress pain signals to the brain. TENS Machines also encourage the body to produce higher levels of its own pain killing chemicals called Endorphins.

How long does it take for a TENS Machine to start working to relieve my pain?

It takes approximately 30 minutes or less to feel the effects. Some people use their TENS unit throughout the day off and on. It's not typically recommended to be used continuously. Rather best to use for a period of time (1-2 hours) then take off for a while.

What does a TENS Machine feel like when it's turned on?

The device produces a tingling sensation but should not be painful.

Who Should Not Use a TENS Unit?

  • Persons using a CARDIAC PACEMAKER

  • Has any form of malignancy,

  • Various conditions where circulation is impaired.

  • Persons with a heart condition.

  • By someone with epilepsy

  • Around the head

  • With the electrodes placed on the neck near carotid

  • It may not be used transcerebrally across the head,

  • Not over the carotid sinus(where the jaw meets the neck), over metal implants or in conjunction with sleep apnea or heart monitors.

You should be aware that TENS units provide symptomatic therapy only and are not considered curative.

What are potential adverse effects with using TENS Units?

Users of TENS machines experience significant pain relief by and large. Some patients note that their skin is red where the electrodes are placed.

How can I obtain a TENS Unit?

One needs a prescription from a medical provider such as a chiropractor or an MD/DO for a TENS Machine. When you receive a TENS Unit, the machine will be set to optimally manage your pain condition and personal instructions will be given on its use. One should not attempt to change the settings without having undergone this instruction.

Electrodes are attached to the surface of the skin over or near the area where you are experiencing pain. It is important that you learn how to:

-Correctly put on the electrodes -Operate the Unit -Change the Batteries -Vary the controls and Settings -Set the proper duration and intensity of the stimulation

How well do they work?

For some chronic and acute pain patients, a TENS machine provides pain relief that can last for several hours. For others, a TENS Unit may help reduce the amount of pain medication needed.

Research on TENS

Few quality research studies have been done on the use of TENS for pain relief. With regards to the literature that does exist, it's controversial. Anecdotally however, patients often rave about the pain relief felt. In conjunction with physical therapy, chiropractic treatments, or pain management treatments, the results tend to be good to excellent. They also work well in the post-operative setting.


Despite the lack of hard scientific data backing up TENS unit efficacy, they are mainstream for pain control and extremely safe. Ask your doctor if a TENS will help your condition.

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Medicinal marijuana is now available in 16 States plus the District of Columbia. There are now well over a million medical marijuana patients with valid cards in the US, and who knows how many individuals are self-medicating.

The different states have significant variances with regards to the debilitating conditions that qualify for medical marijuana. Arizona, for instance, has 13 debilitating conditions, whereas in California physicians can decide if a patient has a condition that would benefit from marijuana. In most states, mental conditions are not allowed for medical marijuana, but however, the benefit is often concomitant with the other allowed conditions. For instance, chronic pain is a qualifying condition, and those patients often suffer from insomnia.

The most common mental condition for which medical marijuana assists is insomnia. Marijuana can either be smoked or ingested for this. There is a difference with the onset of action. Smoking's onset is within minutes, if ingestion is used it may take an hour or so. Medical marijuana is typically preferable to addictive drugs such as Xanax. It is not physically addictive or habit forming.

Migraines also respond well to medical cannabis. If the marijuana is smoked or ingested, one of the benefits is that retrograde inhibition will assist in slowing the brain's neurotransmitters. This can relieve the pain along with the nausea and sensitivity that accompanies migraines. There can be significant side effects to traditional migraine medications, such as increased blood pressure and sedation. With marijuana, sedation can be a side effect as well, but this can be adjusted.

Cannabis is very helpful for anxiety, which is often experienced by patients dealing with cancer, chronic pain, and other conditions for which marijuana is helpful. Medical marijuana may slow down thought processes, helping break up some of the upsetting thought patterns that anxiety suffers have to deal with.

Marijuana users in general report report fewer episodes of depression than non-smokers. Usage in depression can help break up negative thought cycles that may lead to a debilitating episode. Marijuana does not magically treat depression and will not cure the root problem leading to it. However, it can help considerably with mood while the patient works with a professional to treat the root cause.

Medical marijuana may calm mood swings substantially that are seen with bipolar disorder. Lithium is a traditional medication for bipolar disorder and may cause issues with the thyroid, kidneys, or heart. Cannabis may achieve an equivalent mood stabilizing effect without the emotional deadening of lithium.

Medical marijuana helps with these numerous mental conditions substantially. It provides an excellent alternative to traditional medications which often have considerable side effects and may have substantial costs as well.

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One of the myths of the health and fitness industry is that of chronic tendinitis. From runners with bad knees and hips to tennis players with bad elbows or baseball pitchers with elbow and shoulder pain, the diagnosis is often tendinitis. But with an incorrect definition of the problem, treatments may be ineffective at best or even counterproductive at worst.

In reality, there is really no such thing as chronic tendinitis. Once a tendon is injured, the inflammation rapidly builds up as the body attempts to isolate the injury and prevent any further use or damage to the joint. This, of course, is tendinitis, as the joint swells and becomes inflamed, tender to the touch, and painful for the athlete to keep using.

But this kind of tendinitis caused by a blunt force trauma injury is not as common as the type of pain that most active people may experience throughout their lives. Much more common than twisting an ankle or falling from a ladder onto one's back is the repetitive stresses that lead to chronic pain in a joint. This may be from years of running leading to a chronically sore knee or the dreaded "tennis elbow."

In these cases, where the pain lasts for longer than a day or two, the issue is usually not tendinitis -- an inflammation of the soft tissues surrounding the joint. Instead, the issue is probably tendinosis -- an actual structural change in the soft tissues as a consequence of the demands placed on it. If someone spends hours a day hunched over a computer with a strained neck and a rounded lower back, it is not inflammation that is the problem; it is that the tendons are starting to change in response to that demand of sitting all day.

Furthermore, the treatments for tendinitis and tendinosis will be very different. Inflammation of the joint may respond well to anti-inflammatory medication, ice, and elevation. These treatments are used for the sole purpose of reducing the inflammatory response, reducing circulation to that area of the body, and giving the joint time to rest and repair itself.

But for tendinosis, there is usually no problem with inflammation at the area of pain. Instead of helping the joint repair, use of anti-inflammatory medicines may actually weaken the tendons and soft tissues of the joint, as well as contribute to further changes in the joint's structure. This will cause healing to take longer as the result of treating the problem with the wrong solution.

A more useful approach to helping reduce the pain of tendinosis is to begin to reeducate the joint and soft tissues through a combination of treatments. Foam rolling, massage therapy, or spinal decompression (for spinal issues) can help break down and stretch tissue. In addition, stretching to relax and reeducate a group of muscles and tendons can also help reduce pain, increase range of motion through a joint, and prevent future overuse injuries.

It is also important to reeducate the joint by practicing proper movement patters. Fixing one's running form, or practicing weight lifting movements in the proper manner with lighter weights and then progressing to heavier ones only once the form is excellent, can go a long way towards preventing tendinosis. Once a joint is no longer painful, it is important to fix any errors in movement patterns and address the causes that lead to the chronic pain.

It is important for everyone -- both active and sedentary -- to realize the difference between chronic painful tendinosis and local pain caused by tendinitis. Chronic pain in a joint that lasts longer than a few days and has no discernible cause like spraining an ankle or being struck by something is more likely to be a problem with the structure of the joint itself changing, and the treatment will be very different than resting and icing a twisted ankle.

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For many people, lower back pain and soreness become a way of life. While they are usually able to work and live and engage in most daily activities, they really never again have the full range of motion and ease of movement that they had before developing chronic pain. And while it seems that every website and doctor has their own magic bullet that has cured and prevented all sorts of different issues, when most people try these solutions, they are met with nothing but mediocre improvement, at best.

Chronic back pain can be very difficult to deal with because, often, the signs of tissue damage or injury have little or nothing to do with the feelings of discomfort. While one person may have pain and a bulging spinal disc, other people have absolutely no pain caused by a slipped or herniated disc or even worse damage. Some people, though, develop pain while others do not even know that they have any tissue damage at all.

Once back pain develops, it can also be difficult for the patient and doctor to tell where the problem is actually located. Too often, the feelings of discomfort are felt in a general area but do not relate well to any particular anatomical feature. A sore lower back is a real feeling for many people, but the muscles, ligaments, discs, and vertebrae of the lower back may not show any signs of damage or inflammation. But the pain persists.

And pain, as it becomes longer lasting over time, can spread from one area of the body to another. Again, lower back pain may be felt right in the middle of the back just above the hips to start. But over weeks, it may begin to be felt only on one side, or spread down through the hips and one leg. Over time, the pain may recur in one area but also spread further at different times.

With this phenomenon of the pain spreading through various tissues, searching for a damaged muscle or ligament becomes even more difficult. In fact, these types of pains with no discernible injury or site of inflammation may be a symptom of the central nervous system -- the brain and spinal cord -- becoming more highly sensitized, rather than a symptom of the painful tissues actually being damaged in some way.

Another sign of this central nervous system type of chronic pain is that people with pain on one side of their back can also feel pain on the other side. While the pain may not be as bad on the other side, it can often be experienced quite clearly at times. This makes it even more difficult to find a problem with the tissues that could explain such a mirroring of pain.

Once pain starts to become more chronic, it seems to take on a life of its own. Patients may have a continual nagging ache accompanied by occasional flashes of severe pain. And the feelings can travel around the body, causing problems elsewhere in the spine, neck, shoulders, hips, legs, and even further. Unfortunately, dealing with such centrally-caused back pain can be very difficult, and may require various treatment plans including tissue work and retraining the nerves to move with less pain.

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One of the exercises that has been found to help people suffering from lower back pain and disorders is simply walking. But walking has also exacerbated some low back disorders when it is not done correctly. For people suffering from a painful spine, it is more important than ever to learn to walk correctly with the proper posture, as there is probably no more cheap and effective treatment for low back pain than going for a brisk walk in nature.

The first concern that people suffering from back pain should take into consideration when walking is their pace. When walking quickly, the stress on the spine goes through various ranges as the muscles and connective tissues adjust to the faster pace. While there are some compressive forces on the spine during a brisk walk, they are far below any observed levels that cause or contribute to tissue damage or failure. Tissues are loaded and then unloaded in a cyclic fashion when walking at a fast pace.

In contrast, strolling slowly puts a constant amount of pressure on the spine over time. The stresses tend not to change during the walk, as the slow pace does not contribute to the same conditions that are observed during a quicker pace. In effect, the body does not need to adjust to the various forces placed on it as one foot lands and the other is picked up during a fast walk. With a slow stroll, the body is forced to deal with a constant stress, which can lead to tissue failure over time.

Arm swing is also important when it comes to walking correctly in order to avoid causing or exacerbating lower back pain. People who swing their arms from their shoulders when they walk briskly are able to use the exercise therapeutically, while those with little or no arm swing, or swinging from the elbows, place far more stress on the muscles of the back. With the correct type of arm swinging from the shoulders, energy is better redirected from the tissues of the back when walking, thus preventing further injury.

Thus, the best way for people with back pain to walk to help in their physical therapy is based on two important factors. First, it is better to walk at a faster pace than use a lazy stroll, in order to keep the forces on the spine from becoming static and leading to tissue failure. Second, arm swing from the shoulders should also be used in order to facilitate better energy storage and recovery. Elastic energy is built up with each step, which can be better recovered with an efficient arm swing.

Many people suffering from lower back pain are recommended to walk by their doctors or chiropractors in order to further the healing process. Unfortunately, many of these same patients have such severe movement disorders that they may have to learn to walk correctly all over again. But when this is learned and performed properly, it can lead to better health and less back pain for a large number of people now suffering from various spine disorders.

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There are millions of people suffering from herniated and bulging discs who don't know where to go for treatment. Most of them end up having medicines which are prescribed by their family doctors. These medicines only give them relief from pain for a few hours and then the pain is aggravated. This is because a chemical solution cannot treat a mechanical problem. Though surgery is an alternative but mostly people are scared enough to go for it as surgery involves a lot of side effects and is an expensive affair too! Statistics prove that less than 50% of the surgeries have been successful. So, the pain sufferers prefer going for an alternative to get relief from their neck and low back pain.

The non surgical Spinal Decompression therapy has been a success in treating many back pain and neck pain patients. This treatment is offered by many Chiropractic centers worldwide and is considered to be a safe and effective therapy. This therapy comes in as a boon for patients who haven't got any relief from conventional methods. This therapy uses no drugs and as it is a non surgical treatment; it has practically no side effects, which thereby makes more and more people having faith into this therapy. This therapy can treat patients having low back disc bulge, Sciatica, Spinal Stenosis and Scoliosis, Herniated disc in the lower back, Cervical Spondylosis, Degenerative disc disease and Pinched Nerve.

Herniated and bulging disc is usually caused due to an injury or because of severe strain. Older people are at a high risk of getting herniated disc as there is a continuous wear and tear of the intervertebral disc. A symptom of herniated disc varies depending on the location of the problem and upon the body's response to pain. It has always been difficult to differentiate between herniated discs to other types of spinal disorders or back injuries. This could even lead to severe neck pain. The non surgical Spinal Decompression therapy can cure this by applying forces to the spine to elongate it.

Research shows that after getting treated through the non surgical therapy, the patients have reported a decrease in use of pain killers and improvement in their daily activities. They even have got relief from the severe neck and back pain. Hence, the non surgical Spinal Decompression therapy has been considered to be an effective treatment option for patients suffering from chronic back pain.

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The lining around the spinal cord is called the dura mater, and a dural puncture hole typically results from a lumbar puncture (spinal tap) or a myelogram. Or possibly when the patient is having an epidural injection or a spinal cord stimulator trial the dural sac (spinal cord) is punctured which is a normal complication but may not seal up like it should. The body replenishes its cerebrospinal fluid every 4 hours, so if a bit of CSF leaks out after one of these procedures and the hole seals up as it usually does rest of the CSF will be replaced very soon.

Usually if a patient undergoes one of these procedures, any residual hole from the needle used will seal up on its own very quickly. The body knows it's not supposed to have a hole in the dural sac, so it seals it. If the hole persists, cerebrospinal fluid will leak out into the epidural space. This may create a situation where structures in the skull gradually shift downwards from gravity where the liquid is seeping out. Since the cerebrospinal fluid runs from the brain all the way down the spinal column within the spinal cord, if it's draining out, the skull structures shifting downwards will stretch sensitive fascial and ligament structures. Cerebral vessels become dilated, and a major headache will result.

This is called a post-dural puncture headache. These headaches are very very painful while sitting upright or standing and tend to dissipate when laying down. Other symptoms include neck stiffness and pain across the upper back along with sensitivity to light (photophobia like a migraine).

Treatment for a post-dural puncture headache include bedrest, which alleviates symptoms and create a situation where the hole may spontaneously close. Hydration and pain medication may help to facilitate extra CSF production. Caffeine may help constrict vasodilated cerebral vessels and help symptomatically with the headache.

If these methods do not work, an epidural blood patch may work beautifully. If you have had a procedure where the dural sac was potentially "poked" either intentionally or unintentionally and the symptoms of a post-dural headache are persisting, try laying down and see if it dissipates. Then call your doctor for further instructions for treatment. It is a common complication and often responds to one of the above treatments.

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