Back pain and pregnancy go hand in hand. Lower pain in the back and pelvic region are almost impossible to avoid and as a doctor of chiropractic I find that spinal adjustment therapy is one of the best treatment procedures for my pregnant patients who are expecting.

Yes, gentle adjustments are safe and effective and with the various techniques I implore, I can accommodate any expecting mom no matter the stage of her pregnancy.

Having a child changes a woman's posture, her center of gravity, and alters the body mechanics especially as it applies to mobility. With so much additional weight being added to the front of the body above the pelvic region, it's a guarantee there will be added stress and strain to the back which can result in vertebral subluxations and ongoing muscle spasms.

In layman's terms a subluxation results from a bone in the spine being misaligned along with muscles surrounding these joints, which when restricted or stretched, create soreness and decrease overall movement in the upper torso. This causes discomfort in both the mid to lower back, possible headaches, soreness in the legs, hips, and buttocks.

Now, instead of having patients going through several months of physical pain, more and more Doctors of Obstetrics are advising their patients to seek the care of a qualified chiropractor to receive adjustments through out the pregnancy. They have come to realize that it's truly safe and a better solution than prescribing pain reducing medication.

Various Chiropractic Treatments

To successfully treat the uncomfortable symptoms my patients experience, I focus on using several highly specialized procedures and techniques. Here are (4) of the most popular procedures I use.

  • Spinal Decompression procedures - specifically focused for use with expecting mothers

  • Therapeutic Exercises and Stretching - safe for use during pregnancy

  • Soft Tissue Therapy - massage, trigger point work, soft tissue mobilization, etc.

  • Nutritional Counseling - unique to the pregnant mother

The Benefits

Decompression therapy along with other treatments deliver proven results in an easier pregnancy, significantly decreasing the time in labor, and assists new mothers back to pre-partum health. In recent studies, women receiving spinal adjustments during their first pregnancy had shortened labor times of more than 24% over that of a group not receiving the benefits of chiropractic. In addition, more than 75% of women treated report significant relief of back pain during pregnancy. Beyond the reduction of back discomfort, the following benefits were also reported:

  • Less leg and hip pain

  • Increased circulation - reduced instances of tingling in the back and lower extremities

  • Feeling more relaxed than they did before chiropractic treatment began

  • Fewer headaches and nausea

  • Better digestion

  • Increased exercise and healthy eating

These are only a few of the most reported benefits from seeing a chiropractor, but let's not forget that a large part of our practice is preventative in nature to make sure problems don't arise. So you can think of my services as being proactive to prevent a reactive action from a new mother that wished they would have sought proper care to avoid physical pain and a possible hard birth.

The treatments are not a 100% cure for all the aches and soreness every woman feels when they go through child birth, but a majority of my patients tell me that they experience a lot more positives than negative.

As doctors we want to stress that our services in no way are to replace those of the OB, but simply to complement the overall wellness of mother and child.

So when I'm asked by patients going through pregnancy for the first time, as to the best time they should start seeing me I usually recommend they consider seeking care at the start of the second trimester if not sooner. Your body is going through a lot of changes, chemically, physically, and emotionally, and the quicker you start to prepare for these changes, the better you and your baby will be by the time you're ready to deliver.

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    Spinal Decompression

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